Got a question? It may already have been answered below. If not, please get in-touch


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How long will shipping take?

Shipping will start in December-January. Please expect 1-2 weeks maximum for your items to ship once we have provided a tracking number

How do I track my order?

We will provide a tracking number so you know exactly when your items will arrive.

General Info

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Are your games actually fun?

Yes, we have playtested our games several times to ensure that all of our game mechanics work and that our customers would genuinely enjoy playing both of our games.

Do you offer any discounts?

Yes! At the moment we have a promotion where if you spend $25 or more, you can get 10% off your order using code SMART10

What if there is an issue with my game?

Please contact us through the contact form and we will assess the issue immediately and issue a refund if needed.

Have another question?

Get in-touch and we will respond to your email within 24 hours!